How to Increase the Security of your Business Systems Post-Lockdown

How to Increase the Security of your Business Systems Post-Lockdown

How to Increase the Security of your Business Systems Post-Lockdown

The security of your business data and systems have never been more important than right now. 

Cybercriminals are taking advantage of the fact more people are accessing the internet for longer periods, more people are working remotely on less secure systems, and more people are generally feeling anxious which leaves them open to manipulation. 

Recent reports have shown a spike in phishing attacks and other activities designed to make money out of weak security, or to cause disruption to businesses. 

As a business owner, you know the effect a data breach could have on your company. At best you could look unprofessional, giving your customers the impression that you don’t take security seriously. At worst you could suffer data loss, financial fraud or a hefty fine from the ICO.

What can you do to ensure that your business systems are as secure as possible? 

Introduce Multi-Factor Authentication 

Multi-factor authentication (sometimes called 2-step authentication) effectively adds another layer of security to the login process. So, as well as giving a password, you might also have to type in a verification code sent to your phone. 

If your business uses Microsoft 365, you can set up the Microsoft Authenticator smartphone app to provide easy but secure multi-factor authentication. It can be used on an Android, iPhone or Microsoft phone and don’t incur text or call charges, even when used internationally. 

Implement a security platform

Duo is a user-friendly security platform that offers:• Multi-factor authentication – allowing you to verify the identities of users• Device trust – check the safety and security of all attached devices• Adaptive access policies – grant or block access attempts• Remote access – remote access to all apps and servers• Single sign-on – simplify access to an application

Ensure your anti-virus software is up to date

We’re all guilty of skipping tech updates when we’re busy and under pressure. But keeping your anti-virus software up to date is a crucial step in keeping your business systems secure. This is even more important if you have staff accessing your servers and services remotely from less secure devices. Don’t rely on automatic updates as these can get switched off remotely. 

Read more about choosing anti-virus protection for your servers and devices here

Keep your business systems secure with strong passwords

How many people in your company are using the same 2-3 passwords in rotation? One of the simplest and most effective ways to keep your business data and systems secure is to ensure your staff uses strong passwords. 

Using biometric tech such as facial recognition and fingerprint authentication can help, as can password management systems such as Lastpass, Dashlane, or KeePass. 

Read more about how to keep your business secure with strong passwords here.

How to keep your business systems secure post-lockdown

Cybercrime is rife right now and business systems are vulnerable to attack. Make sure your business is as secure as it can be against cyberattack. Consider implementing a security platform such as Duo, introducing multi-factor authentication,and ensure your staff update their virus software and use strong passwords. 

If you need help keeping your business data and systems secure, contact us for further information.

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